Originally delivered on 5/23/2024 9:51 am

SUBJECT: SGE PTA News for June

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It's the final countdown.

(queue it up...) Only two more weeks of school!

Listen. We know that email can be a blessing but often feels more like a curse, so we're sending a final thank you to those who took the time to read/skim/open these newsletters throughout the year. We tried to be as informative but succinct as possible, but we'll never compete with a tweet/X (in more than one way). If you have any feedback for us about communication methods and what we can improve next year, email us anytime. Cheers to summer!  

We are! Shamrock! ...and so proud! Can anyone think of a more fitting tribute to cap off our year?

End of year giving

The PTA is again collecting money for end-of-year gifts that will be divided evenly among all teachers and staff. If you are interested in contributing to this group gift, you can send money in no later than May 31st via:

1) The PTA website at this link (preferred).

2) Cash/check drop-off at the PTA mailbox outside the front office. Make sure to include "End of year gifts" in the memo.

Our success is impossible without the support and commitment of our amazing SGE teachers and staff. They mean a lot to us, and this end-of-year gift is a great way for families to show their appreciation. You are always welcome to additionally or instead send personal gifts, homemade cards, etc.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!

PTA board members for 2024-25 and remaining openings

Please join us in welcoming/congratulating our board members for the upcoming school year:

  • President: Chelsea Lawrence (returning)
  • Executive Vice President/Fundraising: Andrea Wise (returning)
  • Vice President of Hospitality: Bree Jonmaire
  • Vice President of Communications: Alexis Boyce
  • Co-Vice Presidents of Events: Emily Mills and Sara Smith
  • Treasurer: Wes Turner (returning)
  • Secretary: Emily Hawks
  • Committee Leads: See full list here

Thanks in arrears and advance for all the service these great folks provide to our school! 

We are still looking for a few committee leads. Fill out this form (which lists available positions and estimated time commitments) if you are interested. Please consider giving your time and joining us! It takes a village to run all of the PTA activities that our Shamrock community loves and thrives on. 

See below for some highlights of our impacts and accomplishments from this past year. If you contributed in any way, go on, dust your shoulders off.

School supplies for 2024-25

If you haven't ordered your EduKit yet, do it by by June 30th for best pricing and free shipping. Your student's order will be in their classroom on the first day of school; no hassle! Families can also use the EduKit lists as reference to purchase supplies on their own. 

Yearbook distribution and extras for sale

Yearbooks are almost here! The last week of school, yearbooks will be distributed, and extras will be available for sale for $20 (cash only) before school and during lunch. More details will be sent out via Parent Square.

Volunteers: teamwork makes the dream work

A HUGE THANKS to everyone who volunteered throughout the year! We couldn't have done it without you!

Exceptional parent volunteer

We'd also like to recognize our exceptional parent volunteer of the year(s), Rhonda Sergeant! She not only led the PTA through the murky slog of COVID but also started the Dress Down for FUN(d) days, managed graphic design and overall PTA communications, led clubs, overhauled the process to create agendas, and served as a substitute teacher. Principal Potter said it best:

"Shamrock Gardens is a better place because of Rhonda Sergeant’s leadership and commitment to ensure our school is a welcoming environment for all students and families. Ms. Sergeant has served as a parent, volunteer, one of our first club leaders, classroom and grade level parent, advocate, and leader during her time at Shamrock. She has supported the school by giving her time and energy to projects and events to ensure our students have an incredible school to attend every day. We appreciate Ms. Sergeant’s leadership as the PTA president and her support with numerous projects throughout the year. Her advocacy for equity and diversity is to be commended as she forged a path for those who follow her. Ms. Sergeant always led with a passion for children, Shamrock, and the community. She will truly be missed by everyone!"

Ms. Vanderhall is retiring!

In addition, even though Ms. Vanderhall isn't a volunteer, we wanted to take a beat to honor her work at Shamrock. From Principal Potter:

"Shamrock Gardens will truly miss Ms. Vanderhall's smile and warm welcome in the front office. She has dedicated many years to our school serving the students, families, and community. We appreciate Ms. Vanderhall's investment in Shamrock with her time, energy, skills, and love. She has helped so many students with their problems, whether they needed a band-aid or help finding their belongings! Ms. Vanderhall has supported our families by answering questions, locating resources, and helping them feel at home at Shamrock. She has also supported our staff any way necessary to ensure they were successful in the classroom. We wish Ms. Vanderhall the best as she transitions into new roles. She will always be a part of our Shamrock family! We love you, Ms. Vanderhall! "

Congratulations, Ms. Vanderhall, on a well-deserved retirement!

Mark your calendars!
Monday, May 27
NO SCHOOL- Holiday
Thursday, May 30
6:00p Parent Meet Up/Social
Tuesday, June 4
Field Day
Friday, June 7
Dress Down for FunD!
8:00a Last Day of School
3:00p Spirit Day at The Yard Milkshake Bar
Sunday, June 23
4:00p New Family Summer Play Date
Thursday, August 8
5:30p Lucky's Birthday Party

Click on any event above to see end times and more details!

Featured events
Parent Meet-up

The Lucky Dads have organized a parent meet-up/social for Thursday, May 30th, at 6:00pm, at Burial Beer Co. (1214 Thomas Ave.). ALL Shamrock community members are welcome: dads, moms, guardians, and teachers/staff! Let's celebrate the 2023-24 school year and welcome new families for the 2024-25 year. Cheers!

Field Day

Are you ready for the day of all elementary school days? This year's Field Day, sponsored by Queens Pharmacy, will be on Tuesday, June 4th. (Rain date is June 6th.) Activities for grades K-2 will be in the morning (9:00-11:10am), SBS will be 11:15-11:55am, and grades 3-5 will follow in the afternoon (12:00-2:10pm). Scholars should wear comfortable clothing and sneakers (NO dresses, skirts, bathing suits, flip flops, or sandals). Hats may be worn, and sunscreen should be applied before heading to school. There will be a few water activities, so scholars should pack a change of clothes and towel. If you do not want your scholar to get wet or participate in field day, please send a written note to your scholar's teacher by Friday, June 2nd.

We still need a few volunteers to sign up for the SBS hour; sign up here! ALL parents/family members can come watch the fun as long as they are registered CMS volunteers. (Registration as a CMS volunteer must be done in advance.) 

Spirit Day at the Yard Milkshake Bar

Our last Spirit Day of the school year will be on Friday, June 7th at The Yard Milkshake Bar (1942 E 7th St. #102), and it doubles as a sweet way to celebrate the last day of school! Stop by anytime between 3:00-9:00pm. For every treat ordered, a percentage will go back to the PTA! 

Will the milkshakes bring all the kids to The Yard....? (We couldn't help ourselves.)

Happy Summer Break!

School's .... out ... for ... summer! Have a wonderful, safe break!

For those who are around, the Shamrock Spark Camp is June 17th to 20th (Monday to Thursday), 8:00am-3:00pm each day at SGE. Registration is $125 and closes May 29th. All scholars, from rising kindergarten to rising fifth grade, are welcome. 100 spots are available, and there are 20 scholarships available. Activities will include hands-on learning, STEM activities, indoor/outdoor projects, and arts and crafts. All funds support SGE! Email Ms. Miller with any questions.

To tide you over...
  • Rent the Rocks! The rocks will be available all summer as a canvas for your celebrations. See all details, including signup and payment instructions, at shamrockpta.org/renttherock.
  • The SGESpiritwear store will also be available all summer. Just make sure to have items delivered to your house, not the school.
  • We hope to see many of you at Lucky's Birthday Party on August 8th. Till then, we hope you have a great summer!
Stay connected

Don't forget to follow us on social media!

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