Originally delivered on 1/30/2025 8:35 am

SUBJECT: SGE PTA News - February

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February Announcements

The fourth graders are once again selling candy grams to raise money for their spring field trip to Raleigh! Be on the lookout for a sales table February 3rd to 10th before school (7:30-8:00am) and during lunch. In addition, you can purchase individual ($1 each) or class-wide ($25) candy grams online anytime now through Feb. 7th! All candy grams will be delivered on the 14th. This fundraiser helps ensure every fourth grade scholar has the opportunity to attend their field trip.

Yearbook ads will be on sale February 3rd to 28th. Examples of these ads and the order form are available here. Pricing is as follows:

  • $50: Half-page Congratulatory Ad for 5th graders only
  • $25: Quarter-page Shout-Out Ad for any scholar

In addition, 2024-25 SGE yearbooks will go on sale March 3rd to 31st. Check this page for pricing, and be on the lookout for further communications!

Unfortunately, the school is not able to provide free yearbooks for scholars or staff. However, the PTA has a Yearbook Fund that helps get extra yearbooks into the hands of those who cannot afford them. There are two ways families can contribute to the Yearbook Fund:

  1. Yearbook ad sales! All ad money goes directly into the Yearbook Fund.
  2. Gift a yearbook: When yearbooks go on sale, there will be an option to gift yearbook(s) to scholars in need (like last year).

Please note that the PTA cannot guarantee that every scholar will get a yearbook even with the Yearbook Fund assistance. However, the PTA works directly with school leadership to distribute extra yearbooks as prudently as possible.

NEW! Principal Potter will be highlighting staff members each month through the end of the school year. We will add all the spotlights to our website here. Check them out to learn more about our awesome staff members!

Save the Date: Shamrock Shuffle!

Save the date! The 2025 Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run, sponsored by Ken Riel of Compass Real Estate, will be held Friday, March 14th during school hours. Come cheer on your scholars as they race around the SGE bus loop, raising money for two new exciting capital improvements:

  • a playground shade structure to cover the slides and one of the benches, and 
  • new playground equipment (the scholars dropped hints of wanting soccer goals in the Dragon Dispatch, and the PTA was listening!) 

Stay tuned for additional details, but note that all scholars will participate for FREE and receive a free Shuffle t-shirt! Let's get ready to "Rock the Yard!"

Volunteer Needs

At least one parent/guardian is needed each morning before school on Tuesdays through Thursdays to manage Lucky's Library and help scholars pick out free books. Lucky's Library (a magical place!) is visited by scholars who have read a certain amount of minutes each week and are eligible to select a book to keep as a reward for reading. It's the perfect volunteer opportunity to knock out before work or an otherwise busy day! Sign up here

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and support SGE. Visit our website to learn more about Helping Hands, Heart Math Tutoring, Lucky Dads, and more! Remember to register at cmsvolunteers.com so you're set for the school year.

Featured Events
SGE Basketball Games

The SGE basketball team has two more regular season games this year:

  • TODAY, Jan. 30th, 4:30pm at Statesville Road Elementary
  • Thurs., Feb. 6th, 4:30pm at Reedy Creek Elementary

Come join the cheer team to support our scholar-athletes! Playoffs begin February 20th, and specific dates/places will be sent out if we make it!

Go Wild! Winter Dance

Shamrock's Winter Dance, sponsored by Sharpe Patel, PLLC, will be held tomorrowFriday, January, 31st, 5:30-7:30pm at the school. Wristbands are no longer available for purchase in advance, but they will be available to buy at the door for $10 each on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope to see you there!

First Friday: February 7th

Coffee with Principal Potter: Join Principal Potter and the PTA at 8:15am at the school. She'll discuss information at the state, district, and school level. Questions are always welcome.

Dress Down for FUNd: Scholars can make a donation of $2 or more to be uniform-free! You can also send in a lump sum to cover the remaining five Dress Down days (e.g., $2 x 5 = $10)! Pay online, or your scholar can bring cash.

PTA Meeting

Join us on Thursday, February 13th at 6:00pm, in the SGE Media Center (library) for our third PTA meeting of the year, sponsored by Burn Bootcamp! All SGE community members are welcome. You can find out how to get involved, learn more about how the PTA supports our teachers and staff, and get to know other families. Don't miss it; the next and final PTA meeting of the school year will be May 8th! 

School Improvement Team (SIT) Meeting

The next hybrid SIT meeting will be Wednesday, February 19th at 5:00pm. All SGE community members are welcome to meet in the SGE Media Center or join via Zoom. Be part of the development of the School Improvement Plan (SIP), and engage in decisions that impact all scholars.

The SIP and related materials, including SIT meeting agendas, can be found here (login username and password are both: guests7119).

Spirit Outing with the Charlotte Checkers

Our next spirit outing will be with the Charlotte Checkers! Join our SGE community to cheer on the Checkers hockey team on Sunday, February 23rd at 1:00pm at Bojangles Coliseum (2700 E. Independence Blvd). Tickets are only $23.36, and $5 from every ticket goes directly back to SGE. Buy your tickets now! (And remember to bring noise-canceling earmuffs for tots and any kiddos sensitive to LOUD noises.) Yay, sports! 

Mark Your Calendars

Click on any event below to see end times and more details!

Thursday, January 30
4:30p SGE Basketball Game
Friday, January 31
5:30p SGE Winter Dance
Monday, February 3
School Counselor/ Community in Schools Appreciation Week
Thursday, February 6
4:30p SGE Basketball Game
Friday, February 7
SGE Friday Clubs!
Dress Down for FunD
8:15a Coffee with the Principal
Monday, February 10
Love the Bus Week
Thursday, February 13
6:00p Community PTA Meeting
Monday, February 17
NO SCHOOL- Teacher Work Day
Wednesday, February 19
5:00p SIT (School Improvement Team) Meeting
Friday, February 21
SGE Friday Clubs!
Sunday, February 23
1:00p Spirit Night with the Charlotte Checkers
Wednesday, February 26
Dragon Discussion (staff/scholars only - wear house colors!)

(in case you missed it)

  • Are you confused about all the acronyms? LI/TD, PTA, CoGAT, etc.? You're not the only one! The SGE PTA website includes a glossary that will help demystify these terms and many others for you. (No cap...)
  • After-school activities: A number of excellent organizations are partnering with SGE to provide voluntary after-school programs for our scholars. See more information here! We've included a chart of potential available activities, the days of the week they are held, and which grades are eligible to participate.

  • Visitor check-in: All visitors on campus (including basketball game attendees, after-school activity participants/volunteers, landscape workers, etc.) must sign in through the visitor check-in system, LobbyGuard, to be accounted for. This is a CMS security requirement. Visitors can save time by becoming a CMS volunteer in advance. Driver's licenses are required for adults.

  • Support SGE every day! Buy spirit wear, rent the rock, and earn while you shop.
Thank You to our Title Sponsors!
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