Originally delivered on 2/27/2025 10:23 am


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March Announcements

... and it's better to be lucky than good, they say. Shamrock's lucky month of March is upon us! Read on to learn about how we can support each other as we round out Q3 (the third quarter) of the school year.

We are in specific need of gently used uniform tops, bottoms, and dresses in sizes 5-10, as well as tops in size 16/XL. Items can be brought to the front office.

As a reminder, the SGE uniform closet accepts donations anytime of any uniform sizes, and is accessible to staff as they support our SGE scholars and community every day. Think: spills, accidents, etc.! There are opportunities to shop the uniform closet at events throughout the year. Our amazing SGE guidance counselors and support staff can help with specific uniform needs.

Also, as Principal Potter reminded us, please make sure your scholars continue to come to school in their uniforms! Younger students (PreK - 2nd) should send a change of clothes to keep in their classroom in case of accidents. If your scholar receives a change of clothes from the school, please wash and return to the school when possible.

The 2025 Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run, sponsored by Ken Riel, is a school-wide fundraising effort to raise $30,000 for playground improvements at SGE, ending with a FUN RUN at school on Friday, March 14th. Every scholar gets to participate for free and will receive a (uniform-approved) spirit shirt. 

Fundraising, Prizes & Incentives: Register by March 5th on MyBooster.com to be entered for registration prizes! You'll have until March 14th to fundraise. Daily prizes will be delivered to scholars' classrooms as goals are met. Visit our Shuffle webpage for additional details on prizes and incentives.

Fun Run! The big event will be Friday, March 14th, during school hours at the SGE Bus Loop. Come cheer on your scholars! (You must be a registered CMS volunteer to attend.) Each grade will run during the following times:

  • SBS: 9:20-9:50am
  • Pre-K: 9:50-10:20am
  • 2nd Grade: 10:20-10:50am
  • 1st Grade: 11:10-11:40am
  • Kindergarten: 11:40am-12:10pm
  • 5th Grade: 12:10-12:40pm
  • 3rd Grade: 12:50-1:20pm
  • 4th Grade: 1:35-2:05pm

Volunteers: As always, we need YOU to help make this event successful! Sign up to volunteer now!

2024-2025 YEARBOOKS
Now through March 31st is the time to purchase a yearbook ad! Send your fifth grader off with some extra love, or just give a shout-out to your hardworking scholar. Examples of ads and the order form are available here

In addition, 2024-25 SGE yearbooks will be on sale March 3rd to 31st. The early bird gets the worm; yearbooks are only $15 if ordered by March 15th, and are $20 thereafter. You can also choose to contribute to the Yearbook Fund to get extra yearbooks into the hands of those who cannot afford them. Check this page for more details and the order form when it goes live!

Volunteer Needs

We need mascots, DJs, photographers, nurses, and more to pull off the fun run! Sign up here!

Shamrock will be hosting Career Day on April 3rd, 8:30-10:30am! Our counselors are looking for volunteers to showcase their careers to our scholars. If you are interested, please complete the Career Day Interest Form. Look for Thursday folder flyers for additional information in the coming weeks, and email Ms. Hart, Ms. Kachel, or Ms. Carter with any questions. They are excited to welcome members of our SGE community to engage with our scholars about potential careers and help them bloom!

The PTA needs you! Our school is what it is today because of dedicated parents like you who make incredible impacts. We are looking for parents to join the PTA board and its committees for the 2025-26 school year.

It's a great way to meet new people, and there is a role for everyone! The biggest needs are listed on this form, which you can fill out by April 15th if something jumps out at you. If you are unsure where to start, reach out to Wes Turner (336-830-2105) or Chelsea Lawrence to see where you can make an impact.

We hope you consider giving your time and joining us! It takes a village of volunteer support to run all of the PTA events and activities that our Shamrock community loves and thrives on.

At least one parent/guardian is needed to monitor Lucky's Library before school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. It's the perfect volunteer opportunity to knock out before a busy day! Sign up here

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and support SGE. Visit our website to learn more about Helping Hands, Heart Math Tutoring, Lucky Dads, and more! Remember to register at cmsvolunteers.com so you're set for the school year.

Featured Events
First Friday: March 7th

Coffee with Principal Potter: Join Principal Potter and the PTA at 8:15am at the school. She'll discuss information at the state, district, and school level. Questions are always welcome.

Dress Down for FUNd: Scholars can make a donation of $2 or more to be uniform-free! You can also send in a lump sum to cover the remaining four Dress Down days (e.g., $2 x 4 = $8)! Pay online, or your scholar can bring cash.

Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run

The Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run fundraiser culminates on Friday, March 14th at the SGE Bus Loop! It will be a Green Out day, so dig out all your green accessories! All scholars will also receive a green spirit shirt to wear that day. See the announcements section above for additional details!

School Improvement Team (SIT) Meeting

The next hybrid SIT meeting will be Wednesday, March 19th at 5:00pm. All SGE community members are welcome to meet in the SGE Media Center or join via Zoom. Be part of decisions that impact all scholars!

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) and related materials, including SIT meeting agendas, can be found here (login username and password are both: guests7119).

Lucky Dads Get Together

Join the Lucky Dads at Dish (1220 Thomas Ave.) on Wednesday, March 26th from 6:00-8:00pm. Contact Allen Mills with any questions. All are welcome! 

Mark Your Calendars

Click on any event below to see end times and more details!

Monday, March 3
Social Worker Appreciation Week
Friday, March 7
SGE Friday Clubs!
Dress Down for FunD
8:15a Coffee with the Principal
Friday, March 14
Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run
Wednesday, March 19
5:00p SIT (School Improvement Team) Meeting
Friday, March 21
SGE Friday Clubs!
Tuesday, March 25
Spring Pictures
Wednesday, March 26
6:00p Lucky Dads Get Together
Monday, March 31
NO SCHOOL- Teacher Work Day
Wednesday, April 2
Dragon Discussion (staff/scholars only - wear house colors!)
Thursday, April 3
Career Day

(in case you missed it)

  • Are you confused about all the acronyms? LI/TD, PTA, CoGAT, etc.? You're not the only one! The SGE PTA website includes a glossary that will help demystify these terms and many others for you. (No cap...)
  • After-school activities: A number of excellent organizations are partnering with SGE to provide voluntary after-school programs for our scholars. See more information here! We've included a chart of potential available activities, the days of the week they are held, and which grades are eligible to participate.

  • Visitor check-in: All visitors on campus (including basketball game attendees, after-school activity participants/volunteers, landscape workers, etc.) must sign in through the visitor check-in system, LobbyGuard, to be accounted for. This is a CMS security requirement. Visitors can save time by becoming a CMS volunteer in advance. Driver's licenses are required for adults.

  • Lucky Charm Staff Spotlights: We have so many wonderful staff members at Shamrock! Each month, Principal Potter recognizes a few that go above and beyond their normal duties. Learn more about these amazing staff members here.

  • Support SGE every day! Buy spirit wear, rent the rock, and earn while you shop.
Thank You to our Title Sponsors!

The Winter Dance was so much fun! You can check out all the photo booth pictures here (email Beth Kohler for the password if needed). Thanks to Virginia Dunn Photography for capturing the sweet - and wild - memories!

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