Winter Dance is this Friday! See you there!

Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run


The Shamrock Shuffle Fun Run, sponsored by Ken Riel, is our school's biggest fundraiser and is held every March. The Fun Run takes place on the bus loop, during school hours, and every SGE scholar gets to participate for free...and receive a free Shamrock Shuffle T-shirt. It is such a fun and healthy way to raise money for our school! See Instagram footage from our 2024 Shuffle here!


We crushed our fundraising goal this year and we are so excited to be able to provide the following items for our scholars and staff: 1. a playground Gaga Ball Pit; 2. a free after school Gardens Club and the re-establishment of the SGE Gardens; and 3. an outdoor classroom! It's the Year of the Gardens: Can you dig it?


Additionally, because we met our fundraising goal, Principal Potter got SLIMED during the March Dragon Discussion! You can see great footage of the event on Instagram here! Thank you to all the families, friends, teachers and staff that made this event such a success for our school!




For more pictures from our 2024 Shamrock Shuffle, check out the picture gallery provided by SGE parent and photographer, Travis Dove. Password: Luckyrunners.



See the Shuffle Flyer, Volume 4, for our big incentives this year! Who let the SLIME out?


For the Spanish version, click Here.